Oct 10, 2016
In the final installment of his podcast creation series, Pete Lane demonstrates how he pastes-over the three components of his project to form the final podcast. This concludes the series, but Jeff and Pete will present an addendum installment in which they share some additional techniques, tips and tricks from...
Sep 16, 2016
Blind Abilities offers Part 7 in their series: The Process Of Creating A Podcast. In this installment, Pete Lane works with a variety of audio clips, two of which he inserts into the interview to create transitions from topic to topic, and one of which is used to illustrate a discussion item in the interview. Pete...
Aug 29, 2016
Blind Abilities Presents, Part 6 - The Process Of Creating A Podcast
Pete Lane shares Part 6 in his series: The Process of Creating A Podcast. Pete has gone through his own, in depth process of producing a full length project, the completed podcast for which was published on Blind Abilities on May 27, 2016.
Aug 19, 2016
Blind Abilities offers the fifth in the series, The Process Of Creating A Podcast. In this episode, Pete Lane walks us through his process of creating the multi-track Intro for the Erica Turner podcast. Pete demonstrates multi track creating using a music bed (So Many Reasons to Rejoice, by Eddie Robinson), and...
Aug 15, 2016
In this episode of the Practical Podcasting from Blind Abilities, Jeff Thompson talks about the uses of a mixer being incorporated into your studio. Bringing in audio through separate channels and mixing on the fly is just one example of what a mixer in the mix can do for your audio production. Considering having a 2nd...