Aug 3, 2019
En-Vision America’s David Raistrick joins Jeff Thompson to talk about what’s new at En-Vision America. David goes over the latest updates and news from En-Vision America and gives us a demonstration of Script Talk in action. David announces the Script Talk iPhone app is now out of Beta and ready to use! Be sure...
Jul 31, 2019
Blind Abilities Teen correspondent, Simon Bonenfant, was in the Exhibit Hall in Las Vegas attending the NFB Convention when he caught up with Tamra representing the National Library Service. Tamra fills us in on all the services NLS provides and who can apply for the free service of accessible books in Braille and...
Jul 29, 2019
Peter Korn, Director of Accessibility at Amazon’s Lab 126, Gives Us a Demo on the Alexa equipped Microwave Oven. Peter also goes over the brand new Echo Show 5 which comes with a 5 inch diaganol screen and Voice View built screen reading capabilities as well as Alexa all in one.
Jul 24, 2019
Aira was the Elite Sponsor at the 2019 NFB Convention held in Las Vegas and they sure know how to put on a party. While talking with Aira’s Michael Hingson, we learn about the Aira Access points and the growing number of businesses and colleges coming onboard with providing Free Aira Access to the users of the Free...
Jul 22, 2019
While at the NFB2019 Convention Jeff Thompson met up with RTB Safe Traffic Director of Sales, Olivia Harden. Interested in the sounds stemming from the RTB Safe Traffic booth, Jeff inquired about the Audio Pedestrian Signal device and Olivia filled his cup to the brim with some great information.