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Podcast With A Blindness Perspective.

Oct 31, 2015

Pete, Garth and  Jeff are excited to present the first in a new addition to the AmadeusPro Demo series: the AP Special Features episodes. This volume features Dynamic Audio compression presented by Garth Humphries, @iBlindTech. Garth defines audio compression, Normalization and Sound Gates, and demonstrates use of the...

Oct 29, 2015

Pete Lane adds one more Volume to his AP Demo Series with another episode featuring The Basics. In this Volume, Pete explores more in the AP menu system. Stay tuned for some special episodes featuring AP Specialty features, including Dynamic audio Compression, Fading using the Ramp method, and an in depth demo on the...

Oct 27, 2015

Robin Ennis @Walking_TheTalk tells her story through blindness. Losing her eye-sight and facing her return to college, entering graduate school and facing the largest obstacle of gaining employment. Robin prevales through her determination and her ability to never give up on herself. #BATeenCast #College #Blindness...

Oct 26, 2015

Pete and Jeff share an in depth interview with BlindJoe following his huge Battle Round victory on the NBC blockbuster, The voice. While the Skype connection failed several times, they managed to get some great audio, both from Joe himself as well as from the Voice archives and Joe's own music. Listen and watch as Joe...

Oct 25, 2015

Your Team check in on Joe during his Press Conference after the Battle Round. Stay tune for an in depth interview with Blind Joe early next week! #BlindAbilities Presents #BlindJoe #TeamBlake #TheVoice @JThompson6835 #@ane7625