Nov 22, 2016
Senior Services for the Blind is available from your State Services. Paul mattson, a counselor in the Senior Services Unit talks to us about what they offer and what the future looks like as the Baby Boomer’s Silver Tsunami approaches.
With the vast number of seniors and the inevitable increase of people seeking blind services, state agencies are looking for ways to take on the challenge. Whether it be groups and organizations or local gatherings, anything to help the seniors gain access and learn about alternative techniques is just one more tool in the tool box.
Pete Lane talks about his iAccess group that teaches those in the Jacksonville area about the iPhone and how to use the Voiceover accessibility found in each Apple product.
Lori Thompson shares her experience with a seniors group supported by State Services.
Virginia Christianson tells us how she gained confidence while attending a Living with Blindness group.
If you or someone you know is beginning to have difficulty reading the printed word, seeing at night, or seeing distances, call your state agency and find out what they offer.
You can go to and look up the contact information for your state.
If you are from Minnesota, you can learn more about State Services and what they have to offer, on the web at
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