Apr 30, 2015
Pete Lane presents the 5th and final edition in his series on GarageBand Version 6.0.5 on the Mac. Pete demonstrates how to create ringtones using a couple of songs from his iTunes library. Special thanks to Eric Clapton and Derrick & The Dominos for use of Layla, and to Boz Scaggs for his blues masterpiece, runnin'...
Apr 30, 2015
Pete Lane presents Volume 4 of his GarageBand Demo series for the Mac, in which he demonstrates how to access effects in GarageBand Version 6.0.5 . Pete reviews several effects including Dynamic Compression and Echo and applies them to the voice track on the audio project he created in Volumes 2 and 3 of the series. ...
Apr 30, 2015
Pete and Jeff talk with Derry lawlor on various topics and apps ranging from the USB and iphone ready mic the Apogee. Multi-Track recording studio AmadeusPro, AudioBooks and the Victory Stream. Apple iPhone and another Mac app for capturing all audio in and around the computer/studio, AudioHijack3.
and a big thanks to...
Apr 27, 2015
With all the new branding and changes in the AudioBoom Headquarters over the last 6 months the AudioBoom Team has just reached out to the Blind/Visually Impaired community to develop a Beta Testing Team. This will allow the AudioBoom Team to ensure that all end-users of the AudioBoom app have a positive experience with...
Apr 16, 2015
RaqiG goes to the Apple Store to experience for herself what the Apple Watch actually feels like. This is a great experience to listen to as she gives a spectacular description of what she felt as each watch and band was experienced.
Thank you for listening.
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