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Podcast With A Blindness Perspective.

Nov 30, 2016

Christopher Venter, AKA TheBlindScooterGuy on all social networks, talks about the process leading up to his TEDX Talk presentation from Capetown, South Africa. As you may recall Christopher interviewed with us just this last summer telling us about his journey from South Africa to Dublin Ireland on his 50cc Scooter...

Nov 29, 2016

Wood Working is something that people have low expectations for the blind and probably think that it is too dangerous for their son/daughter or any person with limited or no vision to get involved with as a hobby or profession. Training centers across the states have proven that wood working can be done safely...

Nov 22, 2016

Senior Services for the Blind is available from your State Services. Paul mattson, a counselor in the Senior Services Unit talks to us about what they offer and what the future looks like as the Baby Boomer’s Silver Tsunami approaches.

With the vast number of seniors and the inevitable increase of people seeking blind...

Nov 20, 2016

Dan Parker joins Pete Lane and@BlindAbilities Jeff Thompson as he talks about his new goal of building his own car from scratch, designing welding, bending and knotting. Staying busy and figuring out how to do it Blind.


Dan has an idea that started when he lost his sight after a racing accident, Dan wants to plants...

Nov 11, 2016

Blind Abilities offers another iAccess Demo. In this episode, Pete Lane explores three new features impacting the Messages app brought about by IOS 10. Pete demonstrates how to quickly reply to a message using standard emoji, send a message using animation and how to replace words in a text message with emoji. All of...