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Podcast With A Blindness Perspective.

May 28, 2019

In this interview, Jeff Thompson caught up with Rachel Hastings:


Rachel Hastings 

Music therapist, Sholom Home

Rachel says, “I love music, and I love people”. The Sholom Home, where Rachel works full time, is a Jewish senior living community that houses all levels of care. Rachel attended Augsburg College where...

What Makes a Disability? A Blog Posts by Kelsi Hansen

May 28, 2019

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of disability isa physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition that impairs, interferes with, or limits a person's ability to engage in certain tasks or actions or participate in typical daily activities and interactions. And according to the Oxford English...

May 24, 2019

In this interview, Jeff Thompson caught up with Alyssa Gourley:


Alyssa Gourley

Accessibility Tester, Siteimprove 

Alyssa has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Forensics from Metropolitan State University. She’s had varied internships, mainly involving project coordination and research. In her job, she tests websites...

May 24, 2019

Blind Abilities presents A Memorial for Mike Kelly, A Celebration of Friendship, a Celebration of Love, and a Celebration  of Life. 

This podcast follows a previous interview with Mike Kelly published on on January 3, 2019, in which Pete Lane delves into Mike’s life of blindness, constant...

May 22, 2019

Joel Zimba, Blindness Products Specialist for Humanware, joined Jeff Thompson in the Blind Abilities Studio to talk about the new Braille Trail Reader LE.

This new Braille Display was developed in partnership with the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) for and fits right into the APH  line of Quota  Fund...