Dec 8, 2016
Blind Abilities visits the State Services for the Blind (SSB) in St. Paul, Minnesota. Jeff Thompson talks to the Transition Coordinator, Sheila Koenig about the Transition program for students age 14-21 transitioning from High School to College and the Workplace.
Sheila talks about developing programs and creating opportunities through networking and partnerships across the state and Bridging all the entities to help the transition students receive the best opportunities for success.
Sheila is also visually impaired and with her 16 years of teaching Middle School, she has a lot of experience to bring to her position as Transition Coordinator at State Services for the Blind of Minnesota.
If you would like to know more about Transition Services from State Services contact Teen and Transition Coordinator via email or via phone at 651-539-2361.
To find your State Services in your State you can go to the AFB web site and search the directory for your agency.
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