Feb 27, 2018
Welcome back to another TBTS as Allison, Bryan and Jeff dig into the news and happenings around the tools and gadgets with accessibility in mind.
In Episode 12, Skype continues to Un-amuse the Blindness community with broken accessibility and mostly a usability that is failing fast. Delta Airlines enhances its policy on service dogs and basically gets it right. IOS 11.3 Beta brings us more feedback to the life of your battery and it’s shortening of life. Jeff’s battery has dropped 2 more points since the podcast was recorded. Hmm. We touch base with the Business Enterprise Program for the blind.
Allison continues to bring us Home Pod news and AirPlay2 is coming to more devices soon.
So grit your teeth and bare down as the That Blind Tech Show Episode 12 invades your privacy, and takes away your precious time but hey, it’s all about the moments we have together, the content, the unbelievable audio quality, the conciseness of delivery, the humor and lighter side the show brings and most of all, Bryan’s comedic attempts at being funny. I know, you are trying to recall a funny moment. I am with you. LOL. Bryan never reads show notes so hey, thanks for listening and have a great day.
Be sure to follow the show on Twitter @BlindTechShow
And send your feedback and suggestions to us via email.
You can listen to all the That Blind Tech Show episodes on Blind Abilities on the web at www.BlindAbilities.com
Thank you for listening.
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