Jan 13, 2020
That Blind Tech Show is back in the saddle and no, not riding a guide dog as Brian is quite confused about drive-throughs and kiosk. Screen Reader access may be coming to a restaurant near you according to the work being done by Visaro and the Jaws team.
Is Brian using Seeing AI or is the CIA looking for Brian? And who did fall off that ladder?
Is Facebook still crashing for VoiceOver users and how about jumping into an Uber with wings? No, angels are not using them, yet, but Hyunda wants to get you airborne and using the Uber Air-Taxi service by 2023. Ambitious? Hmm, we will have to see. Um, no pun intended.
Send us an email at info@BlindAbilities.com or give us a call and leave us some feedback at 612-367-6093 we would love to hear from you!