Jul 24, 2018
Blind Abilities presents the TVI Toolbox. Where the
collaboration between Teachers, Counselors, Parents, Agencies and
the Students themselves help enhance the opportunities for
Transitioning from high school to college and the workplace is a
major step and the beginning of lifetime goals and aspirations. As
Simon Bonenfant , this month’s featured interview, talks about his
goals and what he is doing to enhance his opportunities and gain
the skills to succeed.
Simon is entering Geometry and Physics and showing the self-confidence he has about his skills, tools and support system, Simon will make this all happen in order to achieve his career that he wants.
Join Simon Bonenfant and Jeff Thompson in this introduction to Simon and be sure to stay tuned when Simon returns to tell us all about his experience he gained from summer camp.
You can follow Simon on Twitter @TheTechKid123and on Skype at TheTechKid55.
You can find out more about Independence Science at www.IndependenceScience.com and follow on Twitter @IndSci
From the TVI’s to the Agency counselor’s and program specialist,
working together along with parents as well, is creating more
opportunities and successes for Transition age students.
Sharing experiences through Success Stories, sharing programs that
make a positive impact, sharing ideas, findings, upcoming events
and the Tools for Success all play a part in making the transition
process a natural progression and better understood by all.
Check out your State Services by searching the Services Directory on the AFB.org web site.
State Services for the Blind
of Minnesota
We offer tools and training for employment and for helping seniors
remain independent and active. As Minnesota’s accessible reading
source we also transcribe books and other materials into
alternative formats, including audio and braille. We assist
Minnesotans who are blind, DeafBlind, losing vision, or who have
another disability that makes it difficult to read print.
I hope you find what you need here. We’ve also created
a Tips for
Using Our New Website page.
If you’d like to apply for services, learn more, or have more
questions, just give us a call. You’ll find contact information for
all of our offices on our contact page, or you can call our main
office at 651-539-2300.
Thank you for listening!
You can follow us on Twitter @BlindAbilities
On the web at www.BlindAbilities.com
Send us an email
Get the Free Blind
Abilities App on the App Store.