Nov 28, 2018
Daniel Berlin joins Jeff in the Blind Abilities Studio to talk about phase 5 of his Team See Possibilities 7 continents in 7 years goal. New Zealand is the next target for Team See Possibilities.
Last year it was China and the Great Wall, another was climbing Kilimanjaro, and as you can gather, these extreme endurance events gain the attention of many throughout the world, Alison, Brad, Charles and Dan get most energized when they are able to meet with children who are blind and vision impaired. Each event includes visits to blind schools, parents and teachers of the blind.
Over the last 5 years, Team See Possibilities has raised over $100,000 to support children who are blind around the world. And they have been busy working on a Global Scholarship initiative that will launch in early 2019. This scholarship program is aimed at blind students wanting a college education and have a drive to succeed.
You can find Team See Possibilities on the web at www.TeamSeePossibilities.comCheck out their schedule of events and find out how you can support the Team’s mission.
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