Sep 17, 2017
Apple Event iPhone 8, 8+, 10, Apple Watch, Apple TV4k and practicing Safe iPhoning
Bryan Fischler is joined by Allison Hartley and Jeff Thompson for coverage of the Fall Apple Event where the new iPhone 8, 8+ and the iPhone 10 were announced. The Apple Watch Series 3, Apple TV4K and iOS 11 are all just around the corner.
You can check out for all the latest order, pre-order, and delivery estimates.
A big Thank You to Drew Weber for his original music! You can find more of Drew's music on the web at and follow Drew on Twitter @RadioDrew1
You can find That Blind Tech Show on twitter @BlindTechShow
and contact Bryan and his team of co-host by email
You can find Allison on Twitter @Hot4Technology
Bryan Fischler on Twitter @BlindGator
and Jeff Thompson on Twitter @KnownAsJeff
Thank you for listening.
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