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Podcast With A Blindness Perspective.

Nov 22, 2018

Show Summary:

(full transcript


With the holidays upon us the deals and bargains are taunting our wallets and curiosities.

Do you look for others or just shop for yourself?

I make a list of items I am interested in and approach Black Friday from that perspective. Otherwise I am overwhelmed and miss out because there is too much going on.

That is just me, so I am joined by Serina and Andy as we contemplate the mad rush, and I’m not talking about busyness, but the rush you get when you find your dazzling treasure. Yes, it may be a gift for someone else, but like most of us, it is something we really want. Now, I did not say need, I said want.

Check out the TGI Black FridayApp Serina spills upon us. It is accessible and works great when you’re searching for that special deal.

We hope all of you enjoy your Black Friday rush and we wish all of you a wonderful start to the holiday season.


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