Jul 27, 2018
Welcome to a Job Insights Extra with Serina Gilbert and Jeff Thompson. We focus on Employment, Careers, enhancing opportunities and bringing you the latest innovations from across the Vocational Rehabilitation field to ensure your choices lead you down the career pathway that you want and succeed in gainful employment.
From getting started with services, to assessments, Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) to gaining the skills to succeed and tools for success, Job Insights will be giving you tips and tricks to help your journey to employment and break down the barriers along the way.
Job Insights Extra is where we highlight success and whether it be a person or a product, app or development, we will share the success with you. This Extra episode we want to introduce Lori Thompson. Serina Gilbert sits down with Lori in the studio to talk about her journey through Adjustment to Blindness Training, her work with State Services in the job hunt and the accommodations used at her job.
Lori has her Aira Smart Glasses in her toolbox and talks about how she incorporates Aira to independently do her job. She also talks about other adaptations and alternative tools that keeps her efficient in the workplace.
Lori and Serina are both Guide Dog users and they talk a bit about having their Guide dogs in the workplace.
Join Lori Thompson and Serina Gilbert for this Job Insights Extra and see how Lori’s determination and hard work led her to the job she wanted.
You can follow Lori on Twitter @LThompson6835
You can find out more about Aira on the web at www.Aira.io
[caption id="attachment_2435" align="aligncenter"
width="200"]Image of the Aira Logo[/caption]
If you want to know more about Aira and the services they provide, check them out on the web and become an Aira Explorer today! www.Aira.io
Thanks for listening!
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Job Insights is part of the Blind Abilities Network
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