Mar 22, 2015
Join Pete Lane as he conducts an in depth interview with Rebecca REid of the World Services For The Blind (WSB). WSB is a nonprofit school in Little Rock, Arkansas, in the US which provides comprehensive training to blind and visually impaired adults in various job skills. WSB has nine programs of training, including three classes which prepare and place the students into specific jobs working with the internal Revenue Service, a federal government agency in the US. Pete explores the specific procedures an individual would follow to apply for one of the nine programs, the prerequisite skills a candidate will need, and he discusses the housing and classroom environment which the student will experience while attending this intensive training. If you are looking for work, are willing and able to travel to Little Rock for a few months, this may be precisely what you need to develop the job skills you need to build your career. Enjoy this BACastSpecial, presented by the Blind Abilities team.
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