Jun 28, 2018
Director of Simon Technology Center (STC), Bridget Gilormini and Assistive Technology Specialist Paul Samft give us a look inside the Simon Technology Center and what services they provide to Parents and children with disabilities.
Bridget and Paul sit down with Jeff Thompson of Blind Abilities in the second of a series of podcasts in partnership with PACER Center and State Services for the Blind. Be sure to check out our upcoming PACER Center podcast featuring the Director of Children’s Mental Health and Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Project.
From workshops, camps, webinars and projects, the CST Team allows you to investigate all the assistive technology in efforts to help support your aspirations, goals and education.
(from the PACER.orgweb site)
Assistive technology can be a device or service that helps children with disabilities participate more independently within their environment at home or school.
The Simon Technology Center (STC) is dedicated to making the benefits of technology more accessible to children and adults with disabilities. Through a collaborated effort involving parents, professionals, and consumers, the STC can provide numerous services for your family, as well as resources and informative answers to your questions. Since 1987, the Simon Technology Center has helped many children and adults, with a variety of disabilities, use assistive technology to enhance learning, work and independence.
You can find out more about PACER Center on the web at www.Pacer.org
You can reach PACER Center by phone at 952-838-9000
You can find out more about State Services for the Blind on the web at
And by calling 651-539-2300
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