Feb 22, 2018
Aira presents this Blind Abilities production of an interview with Sassy Outwater-Wright. Sassy is the Director of the Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. MABVI is the first business partner to join the new Aira Employer Network, whose objective is to increase BVI employment across the nation by allowing businesses to purchase and provide free access to Aira for employees. Listen as Sassy describes the enthusiasm she felt as she chatted with Aira, and the significant benefits this program offers to MABVI and employers everywhere.
Pete, Jeff and Sassy discuss Sassy’s myriad duties as Director of this nonprofit organization which serves the state of Massachusetts and beyond, with various programs, including the VIBRANT Program leveraging multiple volunteers to teach seniors and others in the community, Team With A Vision, whose marketing strategy promotes MABVI’s role, her thoughts about the Aira technology and its potential in the future, and more. Listen to Sassy’s views on the BVI community, its interdependence for skill-building, the “silver tsunami” and her advice to transition-aged students moving from high school to college and/or into the workforce. Join blind Abilities for this insightful conversation with a leader in blindness advocacy and a pioneer for the employment of the blind and visually impaired. Check out more information about MABVI at: MABVI.Org
The advent of the Aira Employer Network coincides with the February 19, 2018, announcement of the Aira Employment Program in which Aira Explorers will receive free service for job-seeking purposes. Find more on these new programs at: Aira.IO
And of course, check out Aira and subscribe at: Aira.IO
Thank you for listening.
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