Sep 26, 2017
Blind Abilities team member Jeff Thompson gets a chance to sit down with Karen Santiago for an opportunity to learn more about the person behind The Blind perspective News Letter. Karen was attending the National Federation for the Blind convention 2017 in Orlando, Florida, her first convention and her first time meeting up with a lot of virtual friends.
Karen talks about her adjustment to Blindness and the tools and determination that she incorporated on her journey to reestablish her place in the World, and how to accept her new Blind World.
Through classes at Hadley Institute for the Blind ranging from Braille, Guide Dogs, Elevated Gardening, to Technology, Screen Readers and mobility, karen took them all. She was Student of the Year in 2010 at Hadley Institute and learned enough to land her job at Easter Seals.
Karen is a mom and she experienced it all from family, work, education, internships, guide dogs, distance learning and initiating and creating The Blind Perspective News letter.
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A big Thank You to CheeChau for his wonderful music, written and produced by @LCheeChau
Thank you for listening.
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