Oct 19, 2022
In this episode of Job Insights Sarlie Drakos, Dacia Vanalstine and Jeff Thompson talk about following-up after a job interview and dive into the "white elephant" in the room, If, When, why and how to, if one decides to, disclose a disability during the job interview process.
the Job Insights team shares their knowledge and experience to help you succeed and prepare for the job interview.
Be sure to contact your Vocational Rehabilitation Services in your state and see what they can do for you.
Sarlie Drakos is a Disability Employment Coach and you can reach her at SarlieDrakos.com and inquire how she can help you land that dream job.
Be sure to check out all of our Job Insights episodes and give us a call at 612-367-6093, we would love to hear from you. Send us an email at info@BlindAbilities.com or give us a call at 612-367-6093.
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we would love to hear from you!
Send us an email at info@BlindAbilities.com or give us a call and leave us some feedback at 612-367-6093