Jun 25, 2017
iPhone101: The 4-Finger Single Tap: A Real Time Saver!
Blind Abilities presents another installment in its iPhone 101 series involving Voiceover gestures. As we draw near the end of our gestures presentations, Pete reviews the 4-finger single tap. This gesture can be somewhat difficult to perform since its kind of tight having to fit four fingers onto your iPhone screen, especially when in portrait mode (upright with your Home button at the bottom). Pete shares a tip where he turns his phone sideways, with the Home button on the left. In this position, he can easily fit his four fingers across the screen. Listen in as Pete discusses how he adjusts the direction of his gestures to fit this position. The 4-finger tap is a serious time saver as it gets you to the top or bottom of a screen, a web site, or a list such as emails, podcasts or tweets in your Twitter feed with a single tap. Coming up, we’ll review some of those VO gestures that we haven’t yet covered in our 1, 2, 3 or 4 finger gesture presentations. And after that, stay tuned cause there’s plenty more coming! Be sure to share any questions, comments or suggestions with our Team. And let us know if we’ve missed any hidden gestures or uses for our single-finger double tap gesture. We’ve already heard from some listeners about one or two applications that we failed to mention. We’ll be covering those, and thanking those folks who dropped us a line in our next podcast!
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