Apr 21, 2017
David Raistrick, Vice president/CEO of Envision America introduces us to the ID Mate Galaxy and Script Talk. Both accessible products talk and give us access to labels and much much more.
The ID mate Galaxy not only reads bar codes the ID Mate gives instructions, Nutritional Values, detailed product information and will conduct price checks with national retailers such as Walmart and Amazon. You can make your own identification for labels by recording your own voice to pre-printed labels.
The Script Talk product allows a pharmacist to put labels on the medication bottles that can be read by a blind/visually impaired person just by holding the label over the talking reader. No more guessing and no more taking chances. There are large print and Braille options with Script View and David gives us a full overview of all these Envision America products.
You can find Envision America on the web.
You can contact David Raistrick by email
or call
Direct: 941-702-6607
Mobile: 309-287-8968
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