Feb 26, 2018
Backpacking Around the World: Tony Giles - Seeing the World My Way
Tony Giles has been to nearly all of the countries in the World and is setting out to Lebanon and Iraq to chalk up a few more to his continuing list of countries he has backpacked through. Totally Blind and a mind full of confidence and curiosity, Tony says that from a youngster he began traveling from school to home and to countries with common language and systems but then he wanted more challenges. From his studies and mostly his curiosity he struck out to foreign lands and cultures with his long-white-cane in hand.
Planning and researching is the key that Tony says helps him unlock the mysteries ahead of his journeys. Knowing what you are stepping into from the plane, train or motorized scooter taxi, having destinations makes his travel more of a reality than just dropping into a new world.
Join Tony Giles, Tony The Traveller, as he talks about his youth, coming to the Americas and to over 120 other countries around the World.
You can find out more about Tony Giles on the web at www.TonyTheTraveller.com
find his blogs, books and latest info on his web page and his BBC documentary videos.
Follow Tony’s travels and updates on his Facebook page.
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