Sep 24, 2017
AT&T and Aira Present: A Conversation With Belo Cipriani
Blind Abilities brings you another installment in the series, presented by AT&T and Aira featuring individuals who have influenced the blindness community through their passions and their actions. This installment introduces Belo Cipriani. belo is an author, an eloquent advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, and so much more. Join Jeff and Pete as they explore Belo’s story, beginning with the tragic assault that led to his blindness, to his rehabilitation at Orientation College for the Blind (OCB), finishing his Masters Degree, writing his book: "Blind, A Memoir”, and his life as a gay blind person. Belo offers a deep look at his thoughts, his fears and his noteworthy attitude that its great to be blind.
This podcast is the second in a series featuring “influencers” who show not only their ability to survive blindness but their insistence to excel and #ExperienceMore through their passions and their actions. Check out all the details about the AT&T #ExperienceMore campaign at:, including a variety of videos about these “influencers”.
Check out the amazing Aira technology at Aira.IO
Stay tuned for more interviews in this series.
Look for Belo at his web site:, on Instagram and Twitter @Beloism.
A big Thank You to CheeChau for his wonderful music, written and produced by @LCheeChau
Thank you for listening.
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