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Podcast With A Blindness Perspective.

Jul 22, 2017

Aira Presents Susan Mazrui: Director of Public Policy at AT&T - Disability, Education & Employment


Susan Mazrui shares her journey through education, employment and how she faced the challenges and the low expectations along the way. As director of Public Policy at AT&T, Susan works with aging and disability issues. Susan is still learning as technology keeps changing and encourages others to learn as much as they can about the tools they will need in the workplace. Susan is an Aira explorer and enjoys having instant access to information when she wants it. It’s the “small things” that Aira does that can really make a difference and like a mosquito in a King’s tent, small things can move Kings.

Join Susan Mazrui at the 2017 National Federation of the Blind convention and learn about her journey and the suggestions she has for students transitioning from high school to college and to the workplace.


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